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Writer's picturebertarajayogini

Faith Over Fear - By Embracing the Divine Path

Prayer is an intimate act of reaching beyond oneself, an attempt to connect with the divine and seek guidance, comfort, or clarity. Often, when we pray, we approach it with a specific outcome in mind, imagining not just the destination but the path we must take to get there. This can be both empowering and limiting. While it is natural to hope for a certain outcome, we must also recognize that our perspective is limited. What we perceive as the best path may not align with the divine plan.

It is a common human tendency to desire control over our circumstances and outcomes. When we pray with a specific path in mind, we are, in essence, attempting to direct the flow of life’s river. We often ask ourselves, “Can I manage the path to attain what God or Krishna has in mind for me?” This question speaks to a deeper fear; the fear of the unknown and the uncertainty of whether we are strong enough to navigate the twists and turns life may present.

Faith, however, requires us to relinquish this need for control. It asks us to trust not only in the destination but in the journey itself, regardless of how winding or tumultuous it may be. The path that God or Krishna has laid out for us may not always be smooth, but it is perfect in its design, crafted to lead us to where we need to be, not necessarily where we want to be.

Imagine the journey as riding a wave. Or as I like to see it, riding a wave of Prana. When we surrender to the wave, trusting its power and direction, we glide effortlessly. If we resist, trying to steer it or fight against its natural course, we risk being thrown off balance. Can we ride the wave of faith long enough to arrive at the shore, the place where we are meant to be?

To do so requires more than belief in a higher power; it demands a profound faith in ourselves and the process. This means cultivating the courage to let go of our preconceived notions and embrace the present moment with all its uncertainties. It means trusting that the wave will carry us, even when we cannot see the shore.

One of the deepest challenges in prayer is finding the courage to pray without knowing what we truly need. How do we ask for guidance when we cannot see the full picture? How do we stand firm and take a step forward with kindness and compassion, with faith and conviction, when we are unsure of the outcome?

The answer lies in shifting our focus from specific outcomes to a broader intention. Rather than praying for a particular result, we can pray for the strength to navigate whatever comes our way. We can ask for clarity, patience, and resilience. We can pray to remain open-hearted and kind, even in the face of adversity. We can ask for the wisdom to recognize the blessings in whatever form they arrive.

This approach to prayer is an act of profound trust. It is an acknowledgment that we do not always know what is best for us, but that we are willing to embrace whatever comes with grace and gratitude. It is a way of saying, “I trust that I am exactly where I need to be, and I am willing to learn, grow, and transform in this space.

In the morning, as we give thanks to Krishna/God or the divine, we affirm our trust in the present moment. We acknowledge that we are exactly where we need to be to receive all the blessings that life has to offer. This gratitude is not contingent on having everything we desire; rather, it is rooted in the understanding that every moment, every experience, is an opportunity for growth and connection.

When we thank Krishna/God for placing us exactly where we need to be, we are embracing the perfection of the present. We are recognizing that this space—no matter how challenging or uncertain—is as perfect as any other. It is here, at this moment, that we have the opportunity to deepen our faith, to practice compassion and kindness, and to cultivate the strength to take the next step forward.

Faith over fear is a call to surrender to the divine flow of life. It is an invitation to trust in the wisdom of a higher power and to believe that we are always being guided toward our highest good. It asks us to let go of the need for specific outcomes and to embrace the journey, trusting that the wave will carry us to the shore.

As we move through life, may we have the courage to pray without knowing, to take each step with faith and conviction, and to remain open to the blessings of the present moment. May we remember that we are exactly where we need to be, and that this space is as perfect as any other.

Hari Om Tat Sat

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