In the reading of many metaphysical books, the terms of confusion continue to be the description of our metaphysical and physical states of being. More directly that the terms Human versus Divine, diminish the idea of human beings, rather than considering them both to be the same and equal in value. That's very nice but simply not so cut and dry, they are not the same and this is not a bad or demeaning suggestion to the human race but is a simple state of fact.
The premise is that there are two aspects, roads, divisions among us ie….The High Road/Low Road, Human/Animal, Metaphysical/Physical, Right Action/Wrong Action, Good/Bad, or Human and Divine.
We should not have any divisions when it comes to understanding this natural progression through our spiritual journey, but I think it's time to explain why we use these terms and why it is so important to understand the difference.
Why are the terms Human and Divine used to describe our spiritual progression? It all begins with the way we initially came to be human beings, for the first time I mean. We have had many lifetimes and we continue to shed this physical body for another one as we move through the karmic existences that we must have to learn and grow until we ultimately reach a state of God Realization/Enlightenment. Although, we do not need to worry about that at the moment since most of us have many many lifetimes to go before that may be considered. What we do need to consider is our very first life as a human beings and how our one and only ethereal body was created. I believe then it will make more sense to call our progression through our journey either human or divine.
It is said that we are born in God’s light, in fact, the part we all call the Soul or Atman is a drop of that Divine Spark, equal to all human beings on earth. That Soul is never dying and will exist throughout the entirety of life itself. The human body that we have and encapsulates that Soul dies, often, as we have all had thousands of existences and are sure to have just as many left! But that is just the body, your metaphysical body was created only once and the last day of your human lifetimes will be the last day it will exist and it will return again to the Pure Consciousness in which we have all been created.
We are all special in this way and should understand our fundamental oneness and where we came from.
When “God” or “Pure Consciousness” decided to create “humankind” it began as a ripple, a vibrational ripple throughout the universe so vast that it created an energy so dense that it separated from its source, and created our 1st chakra which is actually our Crown Chakra, Sahasrara. This chakra was created in the image of God and is the closest to God's likeness that there is. This is everyone's creation story, and it happens only once in all of our lifetimes!
The Crown Chakra was created as a vibration and did not have a physical representation yet so it is called a Divine Chakra. This chakra is present in all beings, animals, insects, and so on but it is dormant to them and not accessible. Human beings are the only ones that have been given the privilege of choice and this chakra is available to us.
The Crown chakra created a sound, a vibrational sound, and that sound was AUM. This was the creation of our second chakra and the Third Eye, Ajna. Ajna is also a divine chakra since the physical body was not yet created. This chakra like the crown chakra is also only available to certain human beings when they have grown and worked spiritually to access them and remains dormant for all animal life and most humans that have not yet developed past the human experience.
The vibrations of these first two chakras created the need for sound and motion, for a karmic experience so the Throat chakra, Vishuddha was created. This also is a divine chakra as the physical body has not yet been created and is only available to a small percentage of human beings.
The combination of all of these three chakras created the need for Bhakti, Divine Love, so the heart chakra was created, Anahata. Anahata is also a Divine Chakra and it is purely Divine or God’s love for humanity through us. This is the last of the Divine Chakras.
The next chakra was created to express the human man and the beginning of the physical body, the ego, the I Am. The creation of mankind created the first division between the understanding of our divine and true nature. We thought we were the creators and the masters of our worlds. These are not wrong or bad, but what is. The Solar Plexus, Manipura is the first chakra of mankind. This is considered to be human and also available to a few animals as well.
The next human and physical chakra is Svadhisthana, the Sacral Chakra. This chakra was necessary so mankind could procreate, and create life on earth. This chakra represents dualities and the beginning of pain and pleasure. This chakra is open to all beings on earth, human, and animal.
Then the last chakra that was created is the Root Chakra, also called Muladhara. This was created so we could survive. All beings also have this chakra available to them. It is our instinctual mind, our tribal sense of security and survival.
The use of terms human and divine are used to describe the distinct differences between these two paths that we as human beings always have available to us. The human path is instinctual and although different than the animal world, they are very closely related and removed from the divine path that we must choose, it is not instinctual.
We call this path our ”Spiritual Path” or “Divine Path” and it opens up to us by our choosing this path through meditation and the study of old scripture and the practice of yoga. They are equal since all is truly one but different because one is a choice and the other is instinctual.
All paths lead to the same place eventually and there are no wrong decisions or pathways, just the glorious journey of life!
I hope that has cleared up some of your questions and possibly created a few new ones!
Hari Om Tat Sat