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The Creation of the Chakras - You are the Universe that God Created

Writer's picture: bertarajayoginibertarajayogini

The chakras are an intricate system of energy centers within the human body, often described as spinning wheels of light and consciousness. Their origin is deeply tied to the mysteries of the universe itself, reflecting a divine cosmic order that mirrors creation. The chakras, seven in number, were not merely functional aspects of human anatomy but sacred gateways crafted in the likeness of the universe’s infinite wisdom.

I thought I would bring to light a different perspective on these magical wheels of life.

The Creation of the Chakras

The chakras emerged at the dawn of creation when the primordial energy—the universal consciousness—breathed life into existence. This consciousness, often referred to as the divine source or God, infused the universe with patterns and symbols that encoded the essence of life. These patterns resonate deeply with the Tree of Life, a symbol of divine structure, growth, and interconnectedness found in various mystical traditions.

The Tree of Life, as depicted in Kabbalah, illustrates the balance between the material and spiritual realms, a harmony that the chakras were also designed to reflect. Each chakra corresponds to one of the sefirot, the emanations of divine light in the Tree of Life. These emanations act as a bridge between the infinite and the finite, much like the chakras connect the physical body to higher consciousness.

In the biblical narrative, Adam and Eve embody the first awakening of humanity, the initial union of spirit and matter. When they ate from the Tree of Knowledge, their energetic bodies awakened, and the chakras became active points of experience. This activation symbolized the fall into duality—where the lower chakras rooted them in earthly existence while the higher chakras opened portals to divine understanding. The kundalini energy, often depicted as a serpent coiled at the base of the spine, represents this awakening, recalling the serpent in the Garden of Eden.

The chakras mirror the universe in their structure and function. Just as the cosmos is organized into galaxies, solar systems, and planetary orbits, the chakras represent microcosmic reflections of this order within the human body. They vibrate at different frequencies, much like the planets emit their unique energies. The root chakra, for instance, resonates with the earth’s grounding force, while the crown chakra aligns with the infinite expansiveness of the heavens.

The three primary nadis, or energy channels, play a pivotal role in this system, often spoken of as meridians:

• Ida, the lunar nadi, represents the feminine, cooling, and nurturing energies, akin to the moon’s calming influence.

• Pingala, the solar nadi, embodies the masculine, warming, and dynamic forces, reflecting the sun’s life-giving power.

• Sushumna, the central channel, serves as the axis connecting all the chakras, much like the central pillar of the Tree of Life connects the heavens and the earth.

These nadis intertwine along the spine, forming a helix-like pattern that intersects at each chakra. This design mirrors the double helix of DNA, suggesting that the chakra system is encoded into the very fabric of life.

The chakras are not static—they pulsate with the rhythm of life, mirroring the cycles of the universe. The base chakra (Muladhara) represents the roots of the Tree of Life, grounding us in survival and physical existence. The crown chakra (Sahasrara), with its thousand-petaled lotus, symbolizes the tree’s highest branches, reaching toward divine light and transcendence. The chakras in between act as the trunk, channeling energy upward and downward, balancing spiritual and earthly needs.

As Adam and Eve were cast from Eden, they began the journey of self-awareness and evolution. This journey is encoded in the chakras, which serve as steps on the path back to divine unity. The serpent’s climb up the Tree of Knowledge mirrors the kundalini’s rise through the chakras—a journey of enlightenment, growth, and eventual reunion with the source.

The chakra system is a divine inheritance, a reflection of the universe’s sacred order woven into human existence. It serves as a map for spiritual growth, guiding individuals toward a harmonious balance between the physical and the spiritual. The connection to the Tree of Life and the biblical story of Adam and Eve reminds us that the chakras are not merely energy centers but profound symbols of our potential to ascend, evolve, and reconnect with the infinite.

Look out for my next series on The Chakras!

Hari Om Tat Sat

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